Skills and tools

  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • JavaScript
  • React
  • Bootstrap
  • Tailwind Css
  • Less
  • Sass
  • Vite
  • Wordpress
  • Figma
  • SEO
  • Illustrator
  • Photoshop


Game Finder App

Game Finder is an app to find games and learn more about them. It's an Alimetrik Front-End Bootcamp project.

Login and registration form

A modern login and registrattion form using HTML, CSS ans JS. A blur backgound for a "glass" effect and some gradients.

Todo App

Web application to register tasks: sort, filter, create, delete and cross out completed. Front End Mentor Challenge.


An e-commerce with shop cart, products, counter and delete buttons. Made with HTML, CSS and Javascritp.

Single Page Application

Simple SPA build with React JS and React Router Dom functionalities.

One page site

One page site implementing Bootstrap girds, containers, columns and breakpoints.

One page site

Site made with Bootstrap, customizing colors and other variables with the help of SASS

Personal web site

Personal web design for a professional lawyer. Website update with blog.

Arte Baires

Art website that publishes activities and workshops of different artists in Buenos Aires.

Artist portfolio

Personal art porfolio for argentinian artist Carlos Agüed.

About me

I'm Mariana Conti, I live in a small city called Santa Rosa de Calamuchita, in Córdoba, Argentina. I studied Social Communication at Córdoba University, but recently I decided to change course and get into web development. I'm taking courses at Educación IT and learning by my own.
My goal is to become a Front-end web developer, with a broad command of the relevant languages such as HTML, CSS and Javascript. In addition to being updated on the latest technologies and practices.
My previous career nourished me with knowledge that I consider very useful also in this field, since it trained me to develop effective communications that take into account all the people involved during the discursive process.


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React JS course.
In this course we use Vite, Hooks, Redux, Context API and Firebase. The objective is that we learn to develop SPA web using protected routes, databases, uploading them to a web server and more.

React: The complete guide
Dive in and learn React.js from scratch! Learn Reactjs, Hooks, Redux, React Routing, Animations, Next.js and way more!

Educación IT logo

I've taken courses in Educación IT to become a Front-end Web Developer. The career is aimed at becoming a Front-end Javascript developer expert in React.js.
It includes this courses:

  • Web design: HTML5 y CSS
  • Web design using SASS and LESS
  • Javascript from start
  • Javascript Advanced Developer
  • Introduction to UX design
  • Introduction to Object Oriented Paradigm
  • Responsive Web Design & Bootstrap
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I made the JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures certificate at
This course goes from the basics to more advanced topics such as ECMAScript6 features, Regular Expressions, Object Oriented Programming (OOP) and Functional Programming (FP), Algorithm Scripting, Data Structures.

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